Christian's ENG 21003 Portfolio
In-Class Writing

In-Class Writing

In-Class Writing – 1/26

Xavier, Carlos, Christian 


  • Business Major, Economics, Biochemistry
  • Brooklyn SMART, Midwood H.S
  • We like different sports


  • All Freshmen 
  • Dragon BallZ
  • Brooklyn

In-Class Writing – 1/31 

Eating Outside

When eating outside I always think about picnics or going out with friends for lunch. I enjoy eating outside just as much as eating indoors if the weather is pleasant.  My most memorable experience with eating outside was having a picnic at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.

In-Class Writing – 2/14

The role of the reader is to comprehend what the writer is trying to convey. If the reader is able to grasp the concept and ideas that the writer intends to portray in their mind, then the writer is successful at getting their point across to the reader. Thus, the role of the writer is to create a clear and concise piece of literature that effectively gets their main points across to their audience.

This passage illustrates the analysis of data collected from our experiment. 

Evolutionary features such as regulatory elements are an important part of future research. 

Scores will likely improve when multispecies alignments are computed. 

In-Class Writing – Literature Review Research Topics

1. Antibacterial Resistant Pathogens and Association with Children ages 9-13 Influenza Season


  1. How do antibiotics affect bacteria? What effect does antibiotics have on viruses, if any?

2. MRSA and impact of re-hospitalization in patients 


  1. What percentage of patients visiting hospitals are re-administered because of MRSA or antimicrobial superbugs?

3. The Effects of Overprescribing Antibiotics on Antimicrobial Resistant Pathogens and the Impact on Children’s Immune System  


  1. How are children’s immune systems affected by the misuse of antibiotics to treat non-bacterial infections (viral infections)?
  2. Antibiotics have little to no effect on viral infections. 
  3. How does parental knowledge of antibiotics affect the misuse of it?

In-Class Writing – 3/21 

One thing that is going well in my literature review is that I have a clear and concise structure in mind which goes in detail about parental awareness of antibiotic misuse and antimicrobial resistance.

One thing that I need more help with is putting my thoughts on paper. I find it difficult to put things in words while also sounding clear and fluent. As a result, this lead to my poor time management.

In-Class Writing – 5 Important Aspects of a Research Paper

  1. Understanding and analyzation of sources
  2. Linking different aspects and topics together with supporting evidence form your sources
  3. Use clear and concise language
  4. Establish a clear thesis statement
  5. Establish a defined structure to your research paper, Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, and Conclusion