Christian's ENG 21003 Portfolio
Literature Review Reflection

Literature Review Reflection

Literature Review Self-Reflection

After completing the Literature Review, I felt that I have improved upon my analysis skills. For each of my sources I was able to interpret the concepts and objectives behind the studies pertaining to my particular topic. My Literature Review was able to provide a palatable explanation for the method and results behind each study and relating that to other studies from my source pool. Some aspects of my Literature Review that I felt could have been improved upon was elaborating more on the limitations of each study and what they have in common as a whole. I could have also introduced some solutions to improving parental knowledge on the spread of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic overuse. Last but not least, some of the evidence I quoted could have been analyzed more in depth to bring further support to my argument. I’m glad that I chose a topic that was interesting and fascinating to write about. Overall, the Literature Review assignment was both challenging and rewarding to complete.